Become a Cabot Mill Antiques Dealer

We are proud to say we have worked with many, many wonderful antique dealers over the years. They define the quality shopping experience that is Cabot Mill Antiques. The management and staff welcomes new dealers and is committed to ensuring a pleasant and profitable business relationship. We are here to help you learn more about our unique antique experience. Contact us!

Dealer Testimonials

I have been a Dealer/Tennant at Cabot Mill Antiques since September of 2008. I currently rent three cases where I display/sell nautical antiques. I must say that my business experience with Cabot Mill has been most satisfying and when I work at it… a profitable venture for me. During my time at Cabot (to expand geographically) I did experiment with several other large antique malls for a short period of time. I say short periods… because it didn’t take long to see the short falls of the other organizations in relationship to Cabot Mills.
Why does Cabot Mills work? The question is easily answered… there is no magic… it is just that all the required ingredients for success are present and well executed by the Manager and Staff… it’s appearance, well laid out and is orderly, has a wonderful ambience, kept very clean, combined with a wonderful mix of “real” antique items that are reasonably priced. Obviously, I have visited the store many times… but each time I’m still impressed by the above.
All this is well and good… but without a well-trained and hardworking staff… the most important ingredient… Cabot would not excel as it does. I might add that on numerous occasions the staff has gone out of their way to help me fix a problem, which has eliminated my traveling 100 miles needlessly.
I would find it very hard to believe that anyone would not be happy as a tenant at Cabot Mills.
Dale Lydigsen
P.O. Box 109
Jackson, NH 03846 -
We have been dealers here at Cabot Mill for over 17 years. Selling at Cabot is fun and with so many quality dealers customers get a nice variety of antiques to choose from. The staff is always friendly and helpful. The spaces are open and airy and the old wooden floors and high ceilings give it a real vintage atmosphere. Many times you will have customers who return again and again to see what new items you have brought in. Cabot Mill is busy year round and one of, if not the, best multi-dealer shops in Maine, in our opinion.
Ed & Marylyn -
As dealers in authentic period antiques for over 27 years, we currently have two major outlets for our merchandise: our year round shop in Damariscotta, ME and Cabot Mills Antiques in Brunswick, ME. Prior to moving to Maine in 2001 we had an antiques shop and restoration facility in Fairfield County, CT.
Cabot Mill Antiques has two distinguishing characteristics. The management function is performed by a business professional who recognizes the need to ensure that the items on display are truly antique and of the highest possible quality. (This is what the true buyers of antiques are looking for and willing to pay for) Secondly, the real customers of Cabot Mill Antiques are the dealers who pay rent for the space and services that the organization provides. Management does a superb job of mounting a year-round aggressive marketing program complete with intensive media advertising, promotional news activity via the internet, regular special events to attract buyers to Cabot Mill Antiques, and antique shows for even more exposure.
The administrative practices on behalf of the dealers are comparable to that of a major corporation. Dealers receive computer reports instantly regarding what sold, at what price, followed by a check in the correct amount twice a month. These two primary features combine to create a synergistic environment where discriminating buyers can shop comfortably for antiques in a large, highly organized facility under one roof.
There is a right way and wrong way to run a service business and Cabot Mill Antiques has got the ball and running with it full bore! Congratulations!
Daniel G & Miriam K. Buckley
Damarine Antiques
Damariscotta, ME. -
Cabot Mill Antique is professionally managed by Deborah Stufflebeam and is a perfect location to sell antiques. Her staff is knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. Cabot Mill is beautifully located on the Androscoggin River and is exceptionally well- maintained. Dealers at Cabot Mill receive daily email updates regarding merchandise they have sold and are paid twice monthly in a timely, consistent manner. As a dealer, I highly recommend Cabot Mill Antiques.
Julie Costello -
With the continuous cooperation and help of the wonderful staff, I’ve been able to be a “Cabot Antiques Dealer” for over 12 years. The friendly atmosphere and being surrounded by other quality dealers makes this a very special place for me. The music makes me want to dance and smile every time I come in to restock and sometimes just visit. A great place. I love it.
Marie Garner -
Our family heritage began in Maine when our ancestors settled Topsham in 1717, so antiques have always been important and interesting to me. When I first discovered the Cabot Mill, I used to enjoy doing all of my Christmas shopping there. It was filled with one-of-a-kind treasures that I knew my family would cherish. Now I am delighted to say that I have some cabinet space there and am thoroughly enjoying “the view from the other side”. It has been a lot of fun stocking my shelves with a variety of my favorite antiques, and then, anxiously awaiting an email letting me know which ones have sold. Cabot Mill Antiques has been a wonderful experience for me!!!
Kathryn R. Hunter
Hunter Farm
Topsham, Maine -
In the 10 or more years we’ve had a space at Cabot Mill, our experience has been not only professional in every sense, but efficient, careful and honest.
Richard Burston

- Professional, knowledgeable management and staff (we do the work for you)
- Convenient location on Route 1 off I 95
- Year round tourist traffic ( 15 minutes from Freeport)
- No admission fee
- Advertising and promotional support from management
- On-site parking
- Electronic security system
- Surveillance cameras with video recording
- Computerized accounting system
- Credit card services
- Heated
- Handicapped accessible

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